Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vienna waits for me!

At this time tomorrow, I will be just about to step on a plane going over the Atlantic ocean. I'm incredibly excited and a little bit nervous about this. I'm more nervous about the flight than I am for what unknown experiences await me in Vienna! If only I could step on the plane, and instantly be across the ocean with no time to wait, no ocean to look out over (in the dark), and no jet lag to feel!

I think I'm ready to go. My packing technique is to look around my room, and make sure there is nothing laying around that I will be missing. The next technique is to have paper and pen readily available on my desk so I am constantly adding and subtracting from my list(s). I guess it doesn't matter how I pack, as long as there is nothing I forgot!

Things I'll miss about State College (Yeah, I know it's only 6 weeks)
-CATA busses--guess I'll learn a new transportation system!
-walking to the YMCA to work out
-watching the Price is Right
-watching "What not to wear"
-my puppy
-being able to use my phone with no charge
-girls at Bible study

...I think I'll be just fine! :)

1 comment:

  1. and you forgot you'll miss ME (but just me...)! Bon voyage!...totally reading your blog and I'm gonna comment so get ready for thatttt. :) I'm gonna start commenting in german:
    Wenn du weggegangen bist, forgess nicht mich!...und mein Liebdinge...schuhen und Kleider! :)
    (yeah yeah put up with my horrible grammar.)

